The Town of Richmond Board adopted the 2023 Comprehensive Plan at their board meeting on October 12, 2023.
A Comprehensive Plan is a document that provides a guide to the physical, social and economic development of a local government unit and includes demographics, public survey data, goals, objectives and maps. It is not a regulatory document. The Plan provides background data and establishes guidance and policy direction on various elements of the Plan including, but not limited to, housing, transportation, economic development, natural resources, utilities, community facilities and land use.
Wisc. Statute §66.1001 provides requirements for updating and adopting a Comprehensive Plan document. Statute requires updates every 10 years.
The Plan Update Project began in September of 2022.
The Town established a Public Participation Plan as required by Wisc. Statute 66.1001(4).
Adoption of the Plan requires one public hearing preceded by a Class 1 notice (minimum of 30 days prior to hearing date) in the official newspaper. Notice of the hearing was also posted at the Town Hall and on the Town of Richmond and St. Croix County websites. The public hearing notice included a link to where the Draft Plan could be accessed electronically and identified Friday Memorial Library, as a location where the Plan could be viewed in person.