Town of Richmond-Notice of Caucus : Notice is hereby given to the electors of the Town of Richmond, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, that a Caucus will be held on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall located at 1428 100th St, New Richmond, Wisconsin.   Candidates will be nominated for the following offices, which will appear on the April 1, 2025 Spring Election ballot:  Town Chairman - Office currently held by Gary Knutson  Town Supervisor (2) - Offices currently held by Jim Peirson and Dave Stephens  Pat Earley, Town Clerk 12/30/2024 

St. Croix County Updating Comp Plan

St. Croix County has been in the process of updating the St. Croix County Comprehensive Plan, last completed in 2012. In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 66.1001, “Comprehensive Planning”, the purpose of the plan is to provide a guide to the physical, social, and economic development of a local government unit. The plan provides an inventory of assets and issues to determine local needs, sets goals and priorities, and develops a guide for action for topics including, but not limited to natural resources, agriculture, transportation, and land use. This plan update will replace the current 2012-2035 Comprehensive Plan.

Please visit the St. Croix County Comprehensive Plan Update Project Webpage at the link below for relevant Comprehensive Plan information including resident survey results, current Comprehensive Plan, proposed draft of the updated Comprehensive Plan, and other information/data.

Please join us on the following dates to learn more about the Plan update:

  • Thursday, February 8, 2024, 5:00-7:00 PM, Comprehensive Plan Open House, St. Croix County Government Center Board Room, 1101 Carmichael Road, Hudson, WI
  • Thursday, February 15, 2024, 5:00 PM, Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing, St. Croix County Government Center Board Room, 1101 Carmichael Road, Hudson, WI